
8. Day 2: The Little House In The Woods

Posted by on Nov 2, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing, Practices | 0 comments

8. Day 2: The Little House In The Woods

Let’s get comfortable for a moment with not-knowing something.  Think of something you don’t know (how a TV works or what is that fuzzy bit of lump in the bottom of your handbag or if your work is really satisfying) and just notice how you feel.  Do you want to ferret around in your bag and get that thing OUT?  Do you want to Google ‘TV’ and see if they can explain how the color dots fly through the air and into your set?  Is you mind now wondering why you ever decided owning a business was a good idea?  Or can you just be quiet and welcome not-knowing? Let’s do...

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7. Day 10: The Being Well

Posted by on Oct 10, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Honesty, Practices, Qualities of Love | 4 comments

7. Day 10:  The Being Well

My own sense of WELL-BEING comes from drinking deeply and diving into the BEING WELL.  When I am down, tired, fractious or just feeling less-than in any way.  I must go within and extend the love that I am.  I can go to that well of love that I am and drink deeply.  I can breathe deeply and dive in fully.  This is my restoration and reminder.  This is truly who and what I am.  Any kindness I have every offered, any comfort, help or appreciation IS the voice of love speaking from my heart.  I just need to return again and again to my heart, where God-IS-Love resides to realize I am already...

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6. Day 27: 100 Reasons Why…. (part 2)

Posted by on Sep 27, 2014 in 100 Reasons Why, All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Practices | 0 comments

6. Day 27:  100 Reasons Why…. (part 2)

Yesterday I shared my list of 100 Reasons Why What I Want Can Come To Me Easily, Fast & Harmoniously.  A list of 100 anything is impressive.  Mainly when we sit down to “make a list” our ego mind starts winding and wants to tell you this is too hard, there doesn’t need to be too many reasons (3 is enough), “STOP NOW! I’m bored”.  When you persevere with a list of 100, inevitably Holy Spirit and your heart gets a look in.  The day I wrote my list I wrote the first 25 easily and without effort, the next 25 took longer but I allowed them to flow as they...

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6. Day 22: Resistance & A Day At The Beach

Posted by on Sep 22, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Practices | 0 comments

6. Day 22:  Resistance & A Day At The Beach

Recently I woke up on the appointed day of our annual girls beach outing and was………………tired.  I know, it is so boring by now you’d think I’d give up on this.  These were the tired thoughts:  “I don’t want to go”, “I’m too tired”, “The drive is too long” blah, blah and more blah.  Thankfully my daily extending love practice showed up just in time before I picked up the phone and whispered “Can we cancel?” Here is what I noticed first:  none of these thoughts felt like love.  They...

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6. Day 21: Coach Notes

Posted by on Sep 21, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Practices | 2 comments

6. Day 21:  Coach Notes

One of the things I love is working with a coach.  The coaches I have worked with  have literally changed the course of my life.  Maybe it is better to say they have changed my experience of living, which has utterly changed the course of my life. Recently, in keeping with my blogging project and this month’s extending love to tiredness I brought this up in a recent coaching session.  A coaching session is kind of like having a Holy Spirit session with someone else taking notes. If I allow and welcome the process I receive rich reward.  If I resist, thwart and ignore the process I...

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6. Day 18: What Is Your Energy Saying To You?

Posted by on Sep 18, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Practices | 0 comments

6. Day 18:  What Is Your Energy Saying To You?

I have felt subdued with my revelation about the devaluing way that I see.  Crushed actually.  It was painful to have the bandaid of working hard (to the point of exhaustion) ripped off to see the false seeing exposed underneath.  I was moping when Holy Spirit’s voice came through in the bathroom (my favorite quick meditation getaway). HS:  Devaluing is not actually changing value.  This cannot be done.  De-valuing is simply closing your eyes.  Open your eyes darling to what is directly in front of you and give thanks. So what is directly in front of me.  My husband receives a daily...

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