Posts Tagged "Blocks to Love’s presence"

6. Day 3: My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf

Posted by on Sep 3, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear AS Tiredness | 4 comments

6. Day 3:  My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf

I have been aware of my mantra of tiredness for weeks.  My daily blogging has allowed me to see just how constantly I affirm this.  I had a very full week last week and needed a 20 min nap between appointments.  Just as I laid down this phrase came to me, like a feather floating up in front of me:  “My tiredness is a knitted scarf.  It is beautiful, intricate and well made.  Yet it is 120 degrees.  What now?”  I fell into a deep albeit short sleep.  I woke feeling refreshed and couldn’t get the image of my tiredness as  knitted scarf out of my head. The next morning, in...

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5. Day 4: Walk With Me

Posted by on Aug 4, 2014 in All-One, Fear of EVERY DAY, Holy Spirit Says | 4 comments

5. Day 4:  Walk With Me

I am really feeling the end of weeks, nay months, of constant importance of right now (weddings, graduations, commissioning, reunions, travels etc).  I feel ready to be done with it. There have been so many important, wonderful events, visits, transitions and they are taking their toll of sorts.  I can’t quite express it but a lot of seeming “once in a lifetime” feelings have left me feeling rather worn out.  Not necessarily in the sense of ‘I don’t want them to happen’ but my own excitement and way of responding leaves me feeling depleted. The rise of...

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3. Day 19: M & M’s and Sunglasses!

Posted by on Jun 19, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Guilt, Holy Dictionary, Practices | 0 comments

3. Day 19:  M & M’s and Sunglasses!

We have had the most wonderful time in the last days and weeks celebrating our daughter’s graduation from university.  Family and friends gathered in so many ways from so many places.  We ate, drank and made merry in all the usual ways.  I bought so many groceries that I was given honorary staff status at our local Bel Air and Whole Foods; candles were lit, pina colada’s mixed, laundry run, presents wrapped and even a lightening trip to Ashland, OR and Crater Lake National Park for our out-of-town visitors.  We are great hosts.  Still, guilt can raise its head inside me and say,...

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3. Day 8: Going Rogue: Should & Should Not

Posted by on Jun 8, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Guilt, Holy Spirit Says | 0 comments

3. Day 8:  Going Rogue: Should & Should Not

Holy Spirit continues remind me of the truth about me.  As I was writing my last post I clicked a button and lost everything.  Because I was in that beautiful space with Holy Spirit I really noticed how I wanted to beat myself up for this mistake and waste of my time but didn’t.  I wanted to be annoyed and throw up my hands and say “Forget it!” but I did not.  Something the HS had just said kept ringing true for me:  Guilt is not the truth about you.   This is music to my ears, Holy Spirit, play on! HS:  Guilt is not the truth about you.  Guilt is an effort to cover over...

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2. Day 25: Fear Of Being Wrong

Posted by on May 25, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Depression, Practices | 2 comments

2. Day 25:  Fear Of Being Wrong

Let’s just get this one right out in the open for all to see.  We are all afraid of being wrong.  Because right is, well, RIGHT. Wrong is NOT being right.  Wrong is confirmation of being wrong; missing the mark; not being good enough (or fast enough or clever enough).  Wrong is the opposite of getting what you thought you wanted.  Wrong is losing, forgetting, being late.  Wrong is your Mother winning (or your spouse or annoying neighbor).  Wrong is missing the boat, the plane or the point.  Wrong is not knowing what to do. Wrong is throwing in the towel.  Wrong is a terrible case of...

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