Posts Tagged "month 3"

3. Day 9: The Guilt of Busyness or the Busyness of Guilt?

Posted by on Jun 9, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Guilt, Prayer & Intention | 3 comments

3. Day 9:  The Guilt of Busyness or the Busyness of Guilt?

The busyness that is often my life has been on full tilt and today I can barely believe I have time to sit and write. So, I will do what I often do when inundated with life:  Give Thanks.  I am so grateful I have loving family who cares enough to drop everything and come to celebrate with us.  I am delighted that my daughter is soon to be a graduate of UC Davis.  I am thankful for our home, transportations, friends coming together to celebrate with us and for those who can’t make the trip but are sending much love and applause.  I am grateful for our businesses and all who dwell within...

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3. Day 8: Going Rogue: Should & Should Not

Posted by on Jun 8, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Guilt, Holy Spirit Says | 0 comments

3. Day 8:  Going Rogue: Should & Should Not

Holy Spirit continues remind me of the truth about me.  As I was writing my last post I clicked a button and lost everything.  Because I was in that beautiful space with Holy Spirit I really noticed how I wanted to beat myself up for this mistake and waste of my time but didn’t.  I wanted to be annoyed and throw up my hands and say “Forget it!” but I did not.  Something the HS had just said kept ringing true for me:  Guilt is not the truth about you.   This is music to my ears, Holy Spirit, play on! HS:  Guilt is not the truth about you.  Guilt is an effort to cover over...

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3. Day 7: Ancient Bank Account of Should

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Guilt, Holy Spirit Says | 4 comments

3. Day 7:  Ancient Bank Account of Should

Am I the only one who is feeling the enormity of extending love to guilt?  Where do I begin?  how do I proceed? HS:  Dearest One, Guilt is not nearly as complicated as you believe.  Guilt is a long term, ancient bank account of should.  You have been making deposits into this account from before your birth. Guilt firmly believes something should not happen or be:  a crime, a thought, an omission, a presence, an amount, an event, a person, a race, a position. Both should NOT or should declare “This cannot be.”  The truth is, it isn’t.  All the terrible things you have done...

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3. Day 6: Centeredness or Spin?

Posted by on Jun 6, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Guilt | 3 comments

3. Day 6:  Centeredness or Spin?

Guilt worries.  I never realized this about guilt, but it’s true.  Guilt worries about what will happen as well as worries about what won’t happen.  Guilt worries about what you should have done, what she could have said and what he shouldn’t have even thought of.  Worry is central to guilt’s mantra of ” this is not enough”.  So let’s connect again to your enoughness.  Right now.  No, don’t skim ahead to see if there is something new or more interesting.  Right now is enough.  Right here, on this page.  It is enough to be...

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3. Day 5: Walk Without Worry

Posted by on Jun 5, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement | 2 comments

3. Day 5:  Walk Without Worry

For some reason I have had an attack of self doubt (time for more Innocence Awareness Training) and exhaustion.  After a nap yesterday, whole food and stillness I am returned to the awareness of the possibility of innocence being the truth about me.  This quote from “The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament” was a spoon of golden honey to my heart:   “In service, you are one with me, who has joined with the Holy Spirit in service and love. I give myself to Him for all. This is the way to know Heaven.”——-NTI Mark 10 p. 102 This...

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