Posts made in October 1st, 2014

7. Day 1: Dear (Me) In The Headlights Of Honesty

Posted by on Oct 1, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Honesty | 2 comments

7. Day 1:  Dear (Me) In The Headlights Of Honesty

Whoa!  As I keep walking this path of a twelvemonth of self love, the fear of honesty just appeared on my radar.  I feel like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming coal truck.  This must be what I most need to extend love to next because my heart clenched and I thought “NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo………..”  and then I thought “But I AM honest, aren’t I??!”  Holy heck, my heart is racing and I already feel guilty.  Guilty of what??  Being dis-honest?? I am honest to a fault in my outer life.  I relentlessly go the speed limit, I prepare to stop...

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