Posts Tagged "lists"

8. Day 22: Not-Knowing So Far…

Posted by on Nov 22, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing | 4 comments

8. Day 22:  Not-Knowing So Far…

As I flowed with the crowds exiting the Bakerloo Line to get to the Circle Line I could hear hundreds of all kinds of voices in animated conversation, then I heard the barest strain of something different.  A tune, a melody of guitar and mouth organ that became louder with each step.  It was a haunting Irish tune that became stronger and more discernible as we neared the musician busking.  In the moments it took to pass, the music was all I could hear and the voices seemed to fall away in my awareness.  Both music and voices were present and my awareness just shifted in focus and...

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8. Day 5: 100 Reasons Not-Knowing Is My Friend

Posted by on Nov 5, 2014 in All-One, Holy Dictionary | 0 comments

8. Day 5:  100 Reasons Not-Knowing Is My Friend

Dearest Holy Spirit, please open my heart and mind to the ways to practice extending love and being in the not-knowing without fear. Help me to see this as Friend. (Holy Spirit loves speaking to me in lists) 100 Reasons Why Not-Knowing Is My Friend I don’t know everything I can rest in that acknowledgment I don’t have to know everything I don’t have to find somebody else who does know I can be at peace while not-knowing therefore not-knowing cannot hurt me Not-knowing releases me from specific outcomes Not-knowing is a store of all possibilities Jesus faced & befriended not-knowing So,...

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7. Day 22: WE Are Worth Celebrating

Posted by on Oct 22, 2014 in 100 Reasons Why, All-One, Fear of Honesty | 1 comment

7. Day 22:  WE Are Worth Celebrating

I am loving how Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart with these lists of “100 Reasons Why”.  I was simply writing a card to go into a goodie bag to give my daughter and her fiance` (I love saying this;) to take on a cross country trip they were making.  The list just spilled out my delight, my tender love and the joy I shared in their beginning adventure.  I love how honest the Holy Spirit is here.   100 Reasons Why A Drive Across Country IS The Perfect Way To Celebrate Our Engagement     We are in love with one another We love spending time together Driving is a great...

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7. Day 14: When Extending Love Is Impossible

Posted by on Oct 14, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Honesty | 6 comments

7. Day 14:  When Extending Love Is Impossible

I am beginning to wish I had not listened to the Holy Spirit and chosen extending love to my fear of honesty.  And I certainly wish I hadn’t told anybody.  I am in a funk today for no apparent reason.  I could call up a few reasons and try to make those stories the “why” of my funk but that feels less than honest (again I say damned honesty).  I just woke up with a great sense of heaviness on my chest, a tightly-wound, imploding sort of energy.  It feels like a personal version of a black hole.  And nothing untoward has happened.  I want to run from this energy but must...

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6. Day 27: 100 Reasons Why…. (part 2)

Posted by on Sep 27, 2014 in 100 Reasons Why, All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Practices | 0 comments

6. Day 27:  100 Reasons Why…. (part 2)

Yesterday I shared my list of 100 Reasons Why What I Want Can Come To Me Easily, Fast & Harmoniously.  A list of 100 anything is impressive.  Mainly when we sit down to “make a list” our ego mind starts winding and wants to tell you this is too hard, there doesn’t need to be too many reasons (3 is enough), “STOP NOW! I’m bored”.  When you persevere with a list of 100, inevitably Holy Spirit and your heart gets a look in.  The day I wrote my list I wrote the first 25 easily and without effort, the next 25 took longer but I allowed them to flow as they...

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