Posts made in July 4th, 2014

4. Day 4: Not Even Fourth Nature

Posted by on Jul 4, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Letting Go | 2 comments

4. Day 4:  Not Even Fourth Nature

I have to admit that letting go is not second (or third or fourth) nature to me.  I feel like there is a tense energy that wants to ball up like a fist in me; it wants to strike out and see things it wants to be different and fix/change them.  I feel this fist in my head and gut.  So it is a good thing I am practicing extending love to my fear of letting go.  I need to let go I just don’t know how. I extend awareness to this thought. Somehow just (!) being aware of this tight fist of hanging on to wanting things to be different allows me to be with it a few moments.  In those few...

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