Posts made in May 11th, 2014

2. Day 11: The Ensuing Quiet

Posted by on May 11, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Depression, Holy Dictionary | 0 comments

2. Day 11:  The Ensuing Quiet

How do I extend love to depression if it is someone else experiencing depression?  I fear it and hate it is because of what I see it do to people:  it is isolating, it is debilitating, numbing, withdrawing, saddening, dampening and de-energizing.  It seems to cut people off, not only from who they are but cuts them off from relating to themselves as well as others. I think what frustrates me is the seeming lack of caring for self or others.  No curiosity and no interest appear to be present.  I guess I must think it could be cured/healed with a change of mind.  Would I /do I feel the same...

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