Posts Tagged "extending love"

7. Day 10: The Being Well

Posted by on Oct 10, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Honesty, Practices, Qualities of Love | 4 comments

7. Day 10:  The Being Well

My own sense of WELL-BEING comes from drinking deeply and diving into the BEING WELL.  When I am down, tired, fractious or just feeling less-than in any way.  I must go within and extend the love that I am.  I can go to that well of love that I am and drink deeply.  I can breathe deeply and dive in fully.  This is my restoration and reminder.  This is truly who and what I am.  Any kindness I have every offered, any comfort, help or appreciation IS the voice of love speaking from my heart.  I just need to return again and again to my heart, where God-IS-Love resides to realize I am already...

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2. Day 28: Action Is Essentional to Living

Posted by on May 28, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Depression | 4 comments

2. Day 28:  Action Is Essentional to Living

Safety is the key to moving forward.  Moving is also key to moving forward.  How can you feel safe when you don’t?  How can you move forward if you don’t feel safe?  How can you trust the desires of your heart when you don’t really trust your self?  I just read an article in a recent Town & Country touting the benefits of a personal nutritionist (soon to be followed by a personal farmer).  We are inundated with expert advice, none of it our own.  We will take credit for the wisdom to hire an expert but that is as far as it goes.  When did our own instincts and heart get...

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1. Day 29: Being Here Now

Posted by on Apr 29, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement, Holy Spirit Says | 3 comments

1. Day 29:  Being Here Now

I continue to feel the tidal pull between business, my spiritual practice of my commitment to extending love to my fears and wanting to be with family.  The pull of the actions commitment seems to require is great.  It is hard to sit still and meditate or BE in the face of commitment (even if it is a commitment to facing my fear and blogging about it).  I must not really understand commitment or what is going on inside me.  Please show me the way to peace and joy AND commitment, it must be possible.  Thank you. Me:  I feel the tidal pull of activities swirling around me and this feels...

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1. Day 15: Creation is a By-product of the Awareness of Love

Posted by on Apr 15, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Commitment, Holy Spirit Says | 1 comment

1. Day 15:  Creation is a By-product of the Awareness of Love

What DO I really want?  I want commitment to matter, to show, to have a purpose.  I want it to lead to revelation or greater awareness to Love’s presence and a greater awareness of my own strength, holiness and delight. If I’m honest, I feel commitment will also lead to a created form, a body of work or experience that is useful, precious and lovingly beneficial to all. I need to extend love to not knowing if commitment serves a grander purpose or is going to be truly useful and beneficial:       I extend transparency to this thought. HS:  Precious One, As with all things, Love’s motive and...

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1. Day 13: Loving Circle of Care

Posted by on Apr 9, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Holy Dictionary, Holy Spirit Says | 4 comments

1. Day 13:  Loving Circle of Care

Holy Spirit and I look in the mirror together: HS:  Dearest One, I see a woman who has spent her whole life loving and caring for others; dolls, friends, teachers, parents, husband, children, members, clients and now is discovering that one person was left out of that loving circle of care. You, your Self, and I Am. Dearest One, you have done nothing wrong by caring for others or for forgetting your own dear Self.  The real Beauty here is that you did hear your Self calling and you answered. This is where the real juice is for this is where memory and future become one, this is where the...

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