Posts made in April 16th, 2014

1. Day 16: A Second Helping of Disappointment

Posted by on Apr 16, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Commitment | 0 comments

1. Day 16:  A Second Helping of Disappointment

This morning I am very aware of the whispering thoughts in my head that are stewing in back-burner disappointment.  My friend, my buddy, my partner in all things spiritual wanted to help edit, proof and possibly post my blog.  I was so relieved as this type of technical input baffles and bewilders me.  In following her own guidance she changed her mind several days later and begged off leaving me startled and unsure of myself. Here is the message from HS:  HS:  Trust her on her path even as you trust yourself on your own path. There is room for all paths.  Light shows the way.  The way is...

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