3. Day 2: Guilt, Another Way to Experience Innocence

Posted by on Jun 2, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Guilt | 2 comments

3. Day 2:  Guilt, Another Way to Experience Innocence

Can I be totally honest with you?  I think the Holy Spirit has chosen the wrong fear this time.  Guilt is like the Mother of all fears and all I feel in this moment is that 30 days is just not going to put a dent in this fear.  Maybe this IS the problem.  I think I can “deal with guilt”; move it, change it, get rid of it.  Good grief. I am right back where I started thinking I need to change guilt to suit my purposes.

Or maybe I can.  Change guilt to suit my purposes.

Isn’t that what a different perspective is?

What is guilt really?  For me it is feeling that I have something other people don’t.   I have known from very early on, that I led a charmed life.  I had loving parents, a beautiful brother (who remains to this day one of the finest men I have ever know), a handsome Cavalry Officer for a husband, two children who daily wow and thrill me.  I have always loved my home, even when it has been an army married quarter with just the right number of electrical outlets and chairs prescribed for the appropriate rank.  I love my dear and precious friends, my corgis and I even love to brush my teeth.  There.  I have said it.  I was given a wonderful life.  You have no idea how guilty it feels to have everything you have ever dreamed of and still see pain and suffering in the face of a friend or read the tragedy of the day on the front page of the newspaper.

What do I do with this feeling guilty for the abundance I have when others see they have less?  Aren’t all

Extending Love Daily Practice Cards

Extending Love Daily Practice Cards

worthy of abundance?  Why doesn’t everyone experience joy and abundance?

I just this minute am glimpsing the possibility that guilt comes with a gift.  The gift is the desire to see differently.  Is it just possible that in what I see as not-abundance or not-joy  there could be just another flavor of abundance?  A new color of joy that no one yet has named?

It is time to extend love to guilt.  I chose a card from my extend love to my thoughts daily practice cards and randomly choose:

     I extend innocence to guilt.

Truly, I did pick out of a pack of thirty qualities of love cards INNOCENCE.  If that isn’t a hoot.  I feel as if I just got a wink from the Holy Spirit.  Guilt is just another opportunity to experience innocence.


  1. Thank you, Dear Eva!

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