6. Day 6: There Is Nothing Wrong

Posted by on Sep 6, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness | 2 comments

6. Day 6:  There Is Nothing Wrong

Thank you for the ongoing miracle of “THERE IS NOTHING WRONG”.  I must have said it a hundred times in the last couple of days.  When this beautiful phrase announced itself in my consciousness  a few weeks back, we were having a party for our directors in the afternoon at 4pm.  We were also in the throws of preparing to drive to LA for business the next morning.  I had followed my inner guidance that morning to do nothing for the party until noon, thereby giving myself a blissful and much needed quiet time.  Somehow I had sent conflicting emails to everyone because each person thought the party was at a different time.  As the first guests arrived at 2pm while I was still at the grocery store my mantra reassured me (even as the curt text arrived from my husband to hurry home ASAP):


And you know what, there really wasn’t anything wrong.  These guests helped finish prepping food and tidying up.  We even thought we would have time to have a drink on the patio before 4pm rolled around; that is, until the next guest arrived at 2:30, then another and another.  As my husband and his colleague sat working out some bugs in a website, leaving me to deal with more guests arriving at 3:30.  My mantra reminded me:


Again, I realized that nothing really was wrong.  My husband was taking care of business and so was I.  Not a single guest raised eyebrows at my less-than-readiness.  We all ended up on the kitchen laughing, preparing food, talking.  I didn’t feel flustered and all was well.  The next morning when we went out to the garage to get the car out for our drive to Los Angeles and there was a tree limb blocking access to the garage, I laughed because it really did feel like:


Sometimes ya gotta feel what ya gotta feel.

Sometimes ya gotta feel what ya gotta feel.

This morning I got to use my new found friend again as I waited the long hours to hear from our daughter who flew to London yesterday.  You have all been there, you look at Flight Tracker, then your watch then imagine every mile of the journey “Now she’s on approach to Heathrow; now probably in customs; now she has surely found the transport tot he club; now…….why isn’t she texting yet……..


I just allowed myself to feel whatever I needed to feel while I waited.  This was the really new thing, I allowed myself to feel what I was feeling.  I felt joy, conflict, weariness, jet-lag by proxy, delight, grief, worry, anticipation.  It was if all my feelings were on a parade circuit.  Even after we finally got word that yes, she arrived safely, the feelings didn’t stop.  Just one more was added, gratitude.  Gratitude now led the parade of feelings and I could simply allow and enjoy it.  I am really, really, tired today.  It has been a big week with members of the household traveling to New York and London on separate trips.  The midnight airport runs made me groggy enough, I felt like I was the one traveling.  But you know what, even though I am tired (weary, exhausted, flat) I am also completely LOVE and……



  1. Love this !

    • I can’t hear it enough: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG!! xoxo

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