5. Day 18: Holy-Spirit-To-Go

Posted by on Aug 18, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Veil Sale | 4 comments

5. Day 18:  Holy-Spirit-To-Go

A comment a dear friend made to me recently opened my eyes wide in a new realization.  The comment was to the effect that my life is always go, go, go, and go.  This is of course true but the huge AHA was this:  I was able to see the “go, go, go and go” as IN me rather than something happening TO me.  This is a seemingly small shift but with epic reverberations.  I feel a piece/peace falling into place and the acceptance of this part of me that wasn’t there before.  I am so very grateful for this REAL-ization (and for my friend’s comment!).  I know that the go/stop or go/rest is not the whole story but could you please speak to me about this in me.

Me:  How can I live in peace with this part of me?  Do I need to change it?  How best to welcome and integrate this understanding of myself into my well being?  Thank you for any and all insights.

It is time to extend much love to this go, go, go and go part of myself.

I extend generosity to this thought.

HS:  Go has everything it needs.  Go meets you where you are.  Go gives and gives and gives.  Go gets you anywhere and everywhere.  Go is movement, flow, being and extending.  Go is life, liberty and happiness.

Rest is go, go, going within.

I extend tolerance to this thought.

love is the holy spirit to go

Love is the Holy Spirit to go.

HS:  Go is your gift that I may flow through you and show the moving of Spirit.  Fear not the not-go in others, they have other gifts.  All gifts of Spirit serve the whole as well as the individual.  None are better, worse for all work together for good.

I extend blessing to this thought.

HS:  Go is the blessing.  Blessing is Go.  Being is not static, nor is going bereft of awareness and Spirit. To be and be aware and go is the essence of extending love.  Going without awareness leads to sense of frantic; this is the facet of go-ing that unnerves you.  Allow awareness and blessing to flow through, in and around your going and feel the power and movement of Spirit.

Going without awareness leads to sense of frantic; this is the facet of go-ing that unnerves you. Allow awareness and blessing to flow through, in and around your going and feel the power and movement of Spirit.

I extend mercy to this thought.

HS:  Going does not deprive you of anything, in extending love to go, go, go and go you increase your awareness of Love exponentially.  Thank you for seeing I AM here too.  This is not a mistake.  This is your field of awakening to Love’s Presence.

Holy Spirit to Go indeed.

How could there be a situation that is without the Holy Presence of Love?  In any moment of Go you are not feeling this Presence stop and ask; GO within and feel, ask and connect with the place that is always present.

Me:  With this new awareness is there anything I can do to practice extending love or reminding myself “God is here too”?

HS:  Ask in your desire to Go how love can be shared.

Ask when it is time to Go within.

Ask for guidance in your Go-ing.

Ask for the gifts of Go-ing to be made clear.



  1. A wonderful message for me — another Go-Go-Girl! 😉

    • We are the new GO GO Dancers!!!;) xoxo

  2. I relate,oh my do I relate! I have struggled with a busy mind since I can recall, and have struggled with just sitting. I used to work in health care, my children were teens. I recall feeling guilty about having a day off, and being non productive.

    • I love to meditate and write AND I go, go, go. Somehow I am learning to extend love to this part of myself. It is funny how our minds like to tell us that “doing” is way more important than “being”. We surely can let our doing extend from our being rather than our being (and worth and value) extend from our doing. Thanks for sharing Mary! xo

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