9. Day 1: A Month Of Living Joy

Posted by on Dec 1, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy, Holy Spirit Abroad | 0 comments

9. Day 1:  A Month Of Living Joy

After a number of epic traveling days which included a rugby match at Twickenham, an advent feast in the Cotswolds with old army friends and a day of networking with the fantastic team at BNI UK headquarters I needed to hear the Holy Spirit on a deep level.

Me:  What do I need to know right now in my travels?

HS:  Dearest One,

Welcome to your day and living joy.  Traveling is a bountiful way to experience yourself unconditionally in all conditions. You will be in many experiences which will bring up much forgotten within you, this not-knowing that arises may take you by surprise but you may welcome it all.  Allow both surprise and remembrance, delight and revulsion. All these do is give you juicy practice in living. You can extend love to it all–you do not have to like it all. Allow yourself to notice “not liking” what is the feeling it is bringing up?  Impatience?  Felling less-than?  Hatred? Feeling lost? Allow these feelings room to breath–hold them, welcome them and ask for guidance–these too will pass through leaving you refreshed.

Allow yourself to welcome the cadence of traveling–the scenery changes yet you remain the same. Your Heart holds all of it in the palm of its hand, as I do you.

Thank you for embarking on this trip.  Let me show you the most intimate, unexpected truth about you:  Your Ever-present Joy.  This is the quality of Love “Eva” embodies. This is the quality of Love you questioned all those years ago. This joy is the truth about you, you need to fear it. Allow your writing and heart to explore the fear of Joy–that all the blocks to the awareness of Joy’s Presence may fall as into a mist before a blazing sun.

Living Joy as ever-present as the sun.

Living Joy as ever-present as the sun.

I love you.  I love you joy.  It is time for your full welcome and awareness to return my dear one.

Joy is the truth about you.

Any fear present is searching for the memory of the truth of joy.  This time of travel will be your practice is learning to return easily, calmly and without fear of loss of abandonment to your natural state of joy.

And so it begins……the new month of extending love to epic fears will embody the practice of the awareness of Joy in all things. What a perfect month to do this when we celebrate the birth of Jesus and peace on earth and goodwill towards men.  How could I be fearful of joy?  What can I do to welcome and embody this within each moment?  How can I truly and permanently connect to that ever-present experience of joy that is already here?  Let’s find out together in this month of extending love to anything that blocks our awareness to Joy’s Presence.



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