11. Day 4: Success: A Love Letter

Posted by on Feb 4, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 4:  Success: A Love Letter

Dearest Success,

I have long tried to outrun you for fear of what it might mean if you caught up with me.  I felt sure you would require something that I did not have to give.  Would it be a talent I didn’t possess?  Or that I missed the cue of what to do next?  Or would it be the embarrassment of not knowing what to say when I received the requisite honors or adulation.  Whatever it is that I have avoided in you I sincerely apologize for.  It seems both churlish and clueless to avoid something that could make my days more interesting, richer and possibly more fun.

I have been thinking about you a lot over the past few days (um years) and here is what I want to know.  If success is so great, why doesn’t everyone have it?  I mean if success really is such a delightful, wonderful, worthwhile endeavor why can’t we all have you?  There I go again, casting doubt upon your name.  Again, I apologize.

Let’s start again.  Hi Success, My name is Eva.  We’ve met before but I am so glad you are here again today.  Today, we can be together without agenda, ok?  I will just be myself and you can be yours.  What is your self exactly?



Dearest Me,

I am the deepest part of you simply delighting in your every day.  I am with you in all things.

Here's looking at you, Success!

Here’s looking at you, kid!

You need but ask how and where and when for me to be revealed.  I am always here right next to the one you call Failure.  You see, we work together, a team of powerful ON/OFF energy flowing through your being in order to move you in a given direction.

I am your friend in all things.  I am not limited to my definition in the dictionary.  I am with all your endeavors, small and large.  Even your failures.  There Failure gives you pause as you reboot, breathe and have the opportunity to ask “What next?” or simply power through into the next moment.

Think of me as an energy you can harness a little of or a lot of according to what you actually want in your heart.  I am a feeling energy too, feel the deep acceptance that I am; whole pure, undiluted.  I am open, welcome and wonder rolled into one.

You are how I define my truth.  I am your heart’s desire.




  1. Awesome!!!
    Communicate with Success & Failure — what a concept!
    Thank you for opening such a conversation!
    Eva, you are on fire with the movement of Spirit as an unfolding Clarity!!!!
    Thank you, Dear Friend & Sister in Divine Communion.

    • Wow! Thank you for this fervent praise. I receive it gratefully my sweet sister. I love the phrase “An Unfolding Clarity”! Yum:) xoxo

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