1. Day 8: Willingness, A Force to Be Reckoned With

Posted by on Apr 4, 2014 in All-One, Holy Spirit Says | 0 comments

1. Day 8:  Willingness,  A Force to Be Reckoned With

Here is what I hate about commitment.  It feels forced, like the only way it will/can happen is if “I force myself against my will”.  I don’t really believe this but there is background noise that seems to believe this in me.

Me:   What is it that feels like forcing?   What am I doing to myself to feel this way?

HS:    Precious One, good morning my dear child, my own dear One.

You still believe there is a FORCE other than you own.  You believe there   is Me and you.

  There is only One.  

Just as within you is every age you have been; the four year old accepting Christ, the nineteen year old saying “yes” to your beloved, the 50 year old carrying the responsibility of life and death.

As you allow and become aware of your presence you allow and become aware of you, the Presence.

You were not made from nothing.  You were made from everything.

The Presence of Everything is the availability of all the awareness of the universe likes within each cell each atom, each quark.

In commitment you are allowing, inviting, and welcoming the awareness of FORCE as in power, strength and urge to create.

Because you shy away from this awareness, feeling like it is OTHER than you, you give yourself time and space to come to terms with this already-there inner power.

Let us extend love to FORCE.


Me:  I extend faith to this thought.

I can trust the force, this power that I am a part of.  It cannot harm or use me without willingness on my part.  Let me see and trust the great power in the force of willingness,

One drop of wiliness has the power to change the face of my whole world.

Where does my willingness want to express today?

HS:  Be still a moment and feel into your willingness.  What does it feel like?

Feel into your willingness

Feel into your willingness

Me:  Open, free, like water running down hill, cascading over rocks bubbling up from within.

OH!  It is flow!  I can be with flow as opposed to clenching or being stuck in a thought or moment.  Oh my!  Where will the flow express today?!

HS:  This is for you to decide.  What is your desire—your intention of creativity?

Me:   Hmmmmmmm, that I experience great peace and joy along the way in my day.

I write from the juicy heart.  I love without rules. I am open to guidance.

HS:   But what do you want to happen today?

Me:  Why do I have to choose:  Why don’t you choose?

HS:   All is possible in Christ.  Do you want ALL to happen today?

Me:  Well, no.

I want to understand how my new blog is going to work; tabs, tags, framework.

I want………..no, I HAVE (I’m getting this) a rich relationship of holiness with my editor and producer.

The dripping tap will be fixed easily with low cost.

Good food will nourish us.

I will want to (& do) take a walk.

Everything I touch is golden with Love.


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